
By Caroline Keller, Year 11

Alone and accompanied,

Scared and courageous,

Confident and deprecating —

All of these are only the start of what teenagers are and feel.

We’re not what Netflix portrays us to be.

That there are only happy endings

In our life is not reality.

All we have is complicated beginnings.

So many family and friends,

Yet the only one you can depend on is you.

You’re the only one who makes real sense.

People you care about coming and going is worse than the flu.

Mental health is almost neglected;

That’s why so many young teenagers are depressed.

So many people are affected,

Yet they are treated like the rest.

School puts us under so much stress,

That is why something should change.

We’re all just a part of a complicated mess,

But teachers just tell us to be more arranged.

Society asks us act the way we do,

But they don’t understand because they grew up in different times.

How do we explain how we go about every day?

How do we explain who we are?

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