US Universities Considering Paying Athletes for Sport

By Aimilia-Meropi Konialdis, Year 11

Sport is a huge part of people’s lives. It keeps people active and healthy and for many, sports is an escape from the chaotic world around them. It assists many young athletes by helping them earn scholarships to their dream universities. But why shouldn’t these students get paid for competing, when they work just as laboriously as athletes that have already graduated from University.

Until now, university athletes were not allowed to be endorsed beyond the costs of attending a university. Student athletes were not allowed to be paid for any kind of advertisement or service and were forbidden from accepting sponsorships. In addition, the N.C.A.A (National Collegiate Athletic Association) prohibited players from participating in a sport at a
collegiate level if they had agreed to be represented by an agent.

However, recently, the state of California passed a law allowing college students who play sports at a competitive level to be allowed to hire agents and be compensated for the use of their name, image and services. It is expected that the bill will be passed into law by 2023 allowing universities plenty of time to prepare for the changes that the law will bring.

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