Debate Competition: The Art of Speech

By Boris Pavlov, Year 11

Most people tremble at the thought of speaking in front of an audience. But that’s exactly what a group of people from LGB, Nations and La Chat decided to do. This Saturday was the 13th annual SGIS Debate Competition, hosted this year, at LGB. The exciting, fun-filled event lasted all day, with many contestants from the different campuses participating.

The contestants participated in a whole range of activities: from duet acting and impromptu (where an improvised speech is given after a one minute preparation), to oral interpretation (where a piece of literature is read dramatically) and original oratory (where participants write and present a speech on a chosen topic) and, of course, debate. From these varied and complicated events, each person had to pick two to compete in.

The wide range of activities allowed people to express themselves orally and to develop skills that are useful on a daily basis. Over the course of the day, many unique and humorous arguments, speeches and performances were given. These were the satisfying culmination of several weeks of intense preparation and research on assigned and unknown topics, which ranged from social media to extremism, and from traditions to tigers.

The events were judged by a host of dedicated teachers, coaches and parents who gave up their Saturday to help organise the incredibly fun tournament, unlike almost any other offered at school. This year, LGB had the privilege of getting to host it in the Centre des Arts, a suitably apt location for the competition. It ultimately helped foster the lively argumentation taking place, and the art of speaking being learnt.

In the end, 7 students from LGB made it to the finals, presented in the theatre, earning many medals and trophies for our school. Ultimately, however, it was Nations who came first overall. Hopefully, this should be an inspiration for more people to join the debate club hosted on Monday’s to further their analytical skills that are so crucial to the education of our school and the IB Diploma Programme.

Overall, the experience was unforgettable, copiously fun, and inspiring for the future of the SGIS Debate Competition.

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