CF Night of Talent

By Mara Maftei, Year 12

This year marked the 5th annual CF Night of Talent, which took place on Thursday, February 28th. Needless to say, every single performance was absolutely amazing!

The performances:

Mik Levy, Reza Murfi, Cameron Pappas & Julien Reyl

They started off the Talent Night with tremendous energy, instantly engaging the audience. They performed  “Punk Drunk Love Queen” which is an original by Mik Levy.

Hannie Durham-Arnold

She played piano and sang, giving an outstanding performance of “Dial” which is also an original song.

Sneha Doda, George Hogge, Max Kennan, Domingo Mujica, Ana Sofia Reyna & Finnur Ricart

They performed the iconic song “Zombie” by the Cranberries, accomplishing a performance even better than the original song.

Luca & Andrea Piergentili

For the first time, in CF Night of Talent history, a parent performed. Luca played piano and sang, and was accompanied by his dad, with the guitar. They performed “Play!”, an original song by Luca.

Ethan Burke

Ethan’s performance was a refreshing contrast to the previous performances, as he did not perform a song. He presented a monologue from Hamlet by William Shakespeare, which was a performance I’m sure no one will forget.

Frankie Finn, Veer Gujral & Charles David Isaultier

They had an incredibly lively performance of “American Idiot” by Green Day, which had the audience standing, with some even dancing on the sides of the theater!

Bwana Benji

Benjamin Schmale went by his stage name Bwana Benji; bwana, meaning ‘lord’ in Swahili. He shocked the audience as he rapped “Triple Threat”, an original song, and left everyone speechless.

Reza Murfi & George Tuaev

They gave a heartfelt performance of “Love Yourself” by Justin Bieber, which had everyone singing along.

Eva Ciss & Mik Levy

Mik played the guitar and sang, and was accompanied by Eva who sang as well. They performed another iconic song, “Creep”  by Radiohead.

Aislinn De Buitleir, Jasmine Johnston & Mik Levy

They outstandingly performed an original composition by Aislinn and Jasmine. Aislinn played the piano and sang, while Jasmine played the violin, and Mik played the guitar for the third time that night.

Gideon Lucard

He gave a moving performance of “Angel from Montgomery” by Bonnie Raitt, in which he played the guitar and sang.

Aislinn De Buitleir, Veer Gujral, Cameron Pappas & Julien Reyl

They phenomenally performed “Dazed and Confused” by Led Zeppelin, with Aislinn singing again.

Charles David Isaultier, Gideon Lucard, Veer Gujral, Cameron Pappas

They lively presented “My Generation” by The Who. This performance marked Veer’s and Cameron’s third performance that night.

Shirin Chorfi & Roxane Ischi, with Laura Safdie & Alexander Durham-Arnold

This performance not only included great voices, but it was filled with humour as well. They performed “Confessions Nocturnes” by Diam’s feat. Vitaa.

Qingyang Zhang

She flawlessly executed the piano piece “Golliwogg’s Cakewalk” by Claude Debussy, a truly remarkable feat.

Mara Maftei, Lilitha Mafu & Yasmine Sultan

They gave a breathtaking performance of “Lovely” by Billie Eilish & Khalid, which gave shivers to the audience. Mara was on piano, while Lilitha and Yasmine sang.

The Jedi Guy

Last but not least, prodigy Matthew Savory once again presented his unique and incredible skill in the arts of the lightsaber. He ended the show with a magnificent performance, but I’m sure this is not the last we’ll see of him.

A special thanks to Martijn Duin and Lia Meyohas for hosting the show; to Meghna Anand, Chloe Helbling, Pia Holdcraft, Matteo Liguori, and Jacob Savory for their technical expertise; and to Anna Sofia Takala and Sera Ekin Gurzurmar for organising the event and making tonight happen!

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