Second Man Cured from HIV Report

by Indy Rune

A British man, who chose not to reveal his name, was recently cured from the virus related to aids using stem cell regeneration. He is the second man to be cured, and his reaction was the exact same as the first person. The first person to be cured like this was Timothy Ray Brown, an American patient who lived in Germany. He was cured in 2007 and his cells reacted in much the same way as the 2nd man’s did. The London patient, the first man, was functionally cured but it is too soon to tell if he is completely free of the virus at this point.

The London patient received a bone marrow transplant from a donner that had a CCR5 Delta 2 genetic mutation, which is in fact resistant to HIV infection.  A professor at a university in London, Ravindra Gupta, said that altering the gene CCR5 could be the way for the cure. The London Patient originally went through with this to treat his cancer and now is considered cleared from aids by scientists after he stopped taking the pills and nothing happened. The London patient, who hasn’t disclosed his name, had given hope to The International Aids Society. They say that this discovery has affirmed their belief that a cure does exist and will lead to a safe, easy way of eliminating Aids as a threat from society. Although millions of people are stable because of a drug that is being used as a “cure” it is not enough and not long lasting.

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