World Record Egg Promotes Mental Health

By Indeaki Rune, Year 12

The most liked picture on instagram, with over 13 million likes, used to be Kylie Jenner’s baby daughter, Stormi. However, this changed when an account named @world_record_egg got 25 million likes ten days after posting an image of a brown stock photo egg on January 4th, 2019. Captioned “Let’s set a world record together and get the most liked post on instagram…we got this!”, it quickly became a global phenomenon and an internet meme. The person who posted it is called Chris Godfrey. Kylie Jenner actually posted a video of her breaking an egg on a sidewalk in response to being taken over. The “world record egg” is the most liked post on any platform in history and even surpassed the number of views on the hit song “Despacito” on youtube. The account now has 10 million followers who call themselves the Egg Gang, even going so far as to release merch. A month after their first post, the account posted a picture of the egg with several cracks beginning to appear, and later announced they would make a reveal the day of the Super Bowl (4 February). Once revealed, it was a heartwarming video of the egg “cracking” under social media pressure. The video advised anyone with similar struggles to reach out for help, mentioning their website,, for more information. Many people in the comments talked about how they were slightly disappointed by the reveal and were expecting more from the egg, calling the post anticlimactic.  Others were incredibly grateful that the egg was using its fame to do something good and raising awareness for mental health and the impact of social media. They thought that it was a really good way to advocate for something as important as mental health.

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