Biology HL: Extracting the DNA of a strawberry!

Photos by Kim Mailliet, Year 12

Text by Priya Roy, Year 12

Last week in our HL Biology class with the legendary Ms Buell, we extracted DNA from raspberries, strawberries, and kiwi. Pictured below, you can see DNA which separates from the strawberry solution floating in wispy, fragile clumps at the top of the liquid. We then used filter paper to collect the DNA. It’s hard to believe that this is what makes up who we are. It’s not hard to believe, however, that this is one of the most interesting topics I have ever studied! Calling this for my biology IA topic, just saying.


1, Above: Test tubes with strawberry, raspberry, and kiwi solutions with extracted DNA. 


2, Above: “Can you see it?” – “Nope, don’t think we did it right.” 


3, Above: Students awe-struck by DNA extraction. 


4, Above: Holding extracted DNA!


5, Above: Being a biology nerd, as usual! (Real thoughts: it feels so weird!) 


6, Above: The next morning, filter paper shows DNA shape!


7, Above: That’s the DNA of a strawberry!

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