IA Silver Training Expedition

By Boris Pavlov,

This past weekend, the Year 11 cohort completed their IA Silver practice expedition.

Five  teams participated in the 3 day snowshoe hike which took place in St-Cergue. The journey helped build teamwork and a feeling of solidarity, whether it was through the grueling hike up the mountain or singing together during the karaoke night.

The snowy environment of the journey not only provided us with avalanche safety training, but with beautiful scenery typical of the Swiss Alps. Furthermore, unlike in Bronze, we were able to stay in a hut.

The talented guides accompanying us shared stories of their unique experiences and made the journey safe and enjoyable, in spite of its exhausting nature.

The proximity to one another during the journey fostered friendships and made for many special experiences.

Overall, the challenging but rewarding expedition was full of sweat, cold and fun.

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