Auditions: What they’re like + Tips and Tricks

By Hannie Durham-Arnold, Year 10

Auditions are stressful, whether that be for a musical or a talent show; first timers or experts, everyone can understand the struggle.

If you want to learn how to ace your next audition, keep reading.

Leading up to the audition, make sure you’re prepared. Practice, practice, practice, because it’s a million times more stressful if you walk in not having a clue what you’re doing. When reading lines, practice in front of an audience (even if that’s a couple friends or your parents) it’s super helpful to act in front of people as that’s what you’ll most likely be doing in the audition. Most importantly ask for their feedback and listen to it!

Remember to do lots of research on your character and try to imagine what they would do in certain situations, this can really help you understand your role.

However, also try to look at the other characters; it’s possible you might end up getting different role from the one you were expecting, and that is totally okay.

When in the actual audition, keep in mind that confidence is key!

Confidence and uniqueness will separate you from the crowd, which is very important. You want to be noticed so make yourself noticeable.

Along with that, be approachable and comfortable. If you are asked a question don’t use short and boring answers, try your best to be friendly and open.

Another really important tip is to listen! If you are asked to stand somewhere specific, stand there! If you are asked to read someone elses lines, do it! The caster wants to make sure that you will be a good member and that you are capable of following their instructions. No one wants to work with a rogue actor.

Finally don’t stress. As difficult as that sounds it is so important. Try your best and have fun. Even unsuccessful auditions result in more experience and improved skills.

Don’t forget that everyone else is stressed as well.

Remember these tips for your upcoming audition and I’m sure you’ll do great.

Break a leg!

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