LGB Basketball: So Close Yet So Far

Simone Napolitano, Year 12

In a previous article, a devoted LGB basketball player mentioned how the basketball team isn’t particularly fond its CDL counterpart. Like their in-game relationship, their record together is quite terrible. LGB has lost two/two games against them this season, one of which was the league du lac championship finals, where The Jets lost by one mere point. However, last Thursday LGB had a chance to exact their revenge, as a game between the two rivals took place here in LGB at 17:30.

It was a dark, cold afternoon on the LGB campus. The players had trained hard, and were warming up for the big game. While they still had to prepare physically, the largest obstacle that stood in their way was psychological. They had to shake this ominous aura surrounding the team – almost like a curse. They HAD to beat CDL. Tension hung in the air like an obscure giant, weighing down the spirits of our players.

The starting whistle sounded.

The game started off rather evenly: an intense, neck-to-neck battle, both teams jostling for possession. They were in a stale-mate; the score never surpassing a two point difference, both teams scoring chance after chance. Normally, in a basketball game the balance shifts to favor a particular team, but in this case it remained the same throughout the whole game.

By the end of the game, neither team had given up. They kept pushing against each other in a ferocious road to glory. In the final seconds of the game, CDL obtained a 3-point lead (which means only one 3 point shot ahead of us). LGB had one last attack left in its locker. CDL brought more payers, meaning if the game went to overtime we would have most likely lost from exhaustion, as CDL had rested players to spare whereas we barely had enough for the starting line-up. If LGB wanted a fighting chance, they would need to score now.

The team took their chances, passed, an opportunity opened for a three pointer, the shot…hits the rim. LGB had buckled under pressure and yet again gave away the win to CDL, with a final score of 44-41.

3 losses, 0 wins against CDL this year. However, in a few weeks another tournament will take place, and we are confident LGB will show their true colors. Watch out CDL, we’re coming for you. Go Jets!


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