Sports Leadership

By Boris Pavlov.

Sports is one of the most enjoyable parts of many of our lives. However, not many of us realize what it actually takes to organize a sportive event. To change this, Ecolint’s sports department is offering a different course that focuses on building the skills required to plan any such activity.


This year, two Year 11 PE classes are partaking in the Sports Leadership Programme. Its aim is to develop skills and techniques for students in High School to learn how to organize physical activities for all age groups. In doing so, the universally recognized programme also helps further communication and organization, and establishes crucial leadership skills.


As part of the requirements, students are expected to lead different activities for younger kids and peers. Over the past two weeks, we got our first opportunity to do so, starting off with primary students for Year 2.


The classes came for about 40 minutes, during which the leaders took turns guiding groups of children through a series of short and fun activities. The experience was highly entertaining for everyone present, since not only were the Year 2 students enjoying themselves, but the leaders also learned how to encourage them and adapt their games.


The occasion presented the chance for a steep learning curve, while allowing the younger children to let off some of their energy with some physical exercises. Planning them was a huge step of the process, and they included ‘1,2,3 soleil’, variations of tag, obstacle courses and many more.


The first leadership opportunity also allowed us to gain insight into what it is like to be a teacher, and to appreciate how much energy, passion, and devotion they bestow on every lesson. It was a truly unique experience and constituted the highlight of many of our days.


Overall, it allowed us to spend time with younger kids and develop some fun activities for them to play. It gave us a chance to remember what it was like and to connect with the Year 2s. Many of us even remarked that, “They are so cute!” and the experience helped us realize that we enjoyed spending time with them, something that we hadn’t been aware of prior to the experience.

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