Quiz: How LGB are you ?

By Sabine PJ, Y10

Have you ever wondered how LGB you really are? We asked people what they thought made them an LGB certified student. Using this, we formulated the perfect quiz! Keep count on what you nodded and agreed with and made you think “Yes! that is so accurate, I do that!” so you can find out what percentage LGB you are.

  1. If you have never signed out to leave campus for lunch and / or gotten stressed because the tram broke down and you didn’t want to be late
  2. If George has asked what your name is for the past 10 years (he never seems to remember..)
  3. If you have ever gotten kicked out of the pitch by a screaming Sergio “eh oh time to go boys!!!”
  4. If you have ever overheard David and Carole gossiping about the student body
  5. If you have ever had Ms. Waldman’s cookies
  6. If Mr. Hines has ever smiled at you
  7. If you have ever gotten told you are the “worst year group ever” during an assembly
  8. If you have ever played “what am I thinking of” with Mr. Stack or Mr. Eddis
  9. If you have ever written your SLN application on the night before the deadline
  10. If you have ever ditched class to study for a test during the next period
  11. If you have ever contemplated going to math studies and attending Webster
  12. If Judith is your “caf mom”
  13. If you have ever complained about StuCo “never doing anything”
  14. If you’ve ever avoided the top of the caf during morning break because of the screaming kids during bake sales
  15. If you’ve received an email from Marie Narses for at least one CAS service opportunity in the past hour
  16. If you still don’t really understand why we don’t have phone reception in the art center or the caf
  17. If you clap when someone drops a plate in the caf
  18. If Google Drive is bae
  19. If you read the LGB Express (or have been interviewed)
  20. If Roadrunner is your second home
  21. If you are sleep deprived because of the IB
  22. If you still don’t understand what the ULP is
  23. If you HATE Managebac
  24. If you have been on the India / Senegal / Kilimanjaro trip
  25. If you love Mr. Cappy’s weekly newsletters
  26. If your class has walked along the “Pedagogical Pathway” in the forest
  27. If you have played football in the greek theatre and / or raced your friends down the steps
  28. If you have done the Bronze IA but never completed it because you were too lazy to enter the data on the ORB
  29. If you have been to the Ball des Neiges
  30. If you have friends from all over the world
  31. If you love the caf’s paninis
  32. If you’ve ever printed something in the library last minute
  33. If you love Friday’s music at the caf
  34. If you have done Mindfulness with Mr.Timm
  35. If you eat at Pam
  36. If you can’t wait to be able to leave campus for lunch (we hear you years 9, 10 & 11)
  37. If you have ever been in a room with Mr. Thondoo barefoot
  38. If you have ever prepared a plan to leave the auditorium without being trampled after an assembly (preparing bag and jacket in advance)
  39. If you started planning your grade’s “senior prank day” in year 9
  40. If you have ever taken pictures in the art center fire escape
  41. If you have ever drawn / written on a table
  42. If you have ever helped or gone to Ms. Kretzmeier CF events
  43. If you have ever had beef with another student about which StuCo to vote for
  44. If you have ever had an Instagram request from a StuCo
  45. If Dr. Hughes has ever said hi to you and you panicked to say hello back
  46. If you have ever seen the Dr. Hughes Bollywood movie (or just the clip)
  47. If you have ever been told off for sitting on a table at the caf
  48. If you have a LGB sweatshirt (or other LGB “merch”)
  49. If you have had to share your snacks with Mr. Stack
  50. If you have ever had a debate over which caf cookies are better (blue wrapper cookies or unwrapped cookies)


The questions are out of 50, so double your answer and that’s what percentage LGB you are!


0-30% – Do you even go here?

30-50% – Okay, okay you know what’s up!

50-70% – You could be a tour guide!

70-90% – At this point you practically live at school..

90% and up – Do you ever leave?


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