2nd Sports Day?

Laurin Rupp, Year 12

Last Wednesday, mentors talked (or at least were supposed to talk) with their year twelve students about a very special day in the midst of April, dates yet to be confirmed. The discussion circled around the fact that most teachers would be involved in some sort of learning experience for the day (it’s probably an excuse to go party without us) and will not be able to give classes. The last time this happened, and you might have noticed when your teachers came in very tired and wearing sunglasses the next morning, the administration organized a sports day for the students, in order to still force them to come to school instead of relax at home.

This time they were a bit less inventive deciding that year 12 students didn’t have enough work to do, and should therefore be in charge for organizing fun and entertaining activities for the day, basically chaperoning the other grades. The incredible out of the box thinkers that we are, one definite possibility to consider was to host a second sports day, because if we have to come to school anyway, why not spend the day playing football, basketball, badminton or volleyball (and it’s probably the least amount of work for us). These plans are of course not final, but highly probable since most of us also enjoy sports, seeing as it is a great diversion from all the studying and or procrastination.

Lastly there are also quite a few upcoming tournaments, most notably the Swiss Group of International Schools national basketball tournament for the junior boys, held in Zug this year. It’s a two-day event that will start on February 27th and hopefully end in our victory.

Go Jets!!!

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