Sports Day 2018

By Sabine Pierce Jones, Year 10


Sports Day. When these two words are heard around school again, the students are either completely enthusiastic or dread the slightest thought of it. We went around asking people what they thought of LGB’s renowned Sports Day; where the school has done well in organizing it, and where they have gone wrong. Here are some of the few responses we received:

“It’s great.”

“I think sports day is not necessary for children to have fun. I feel like sometimes they force it on the students.”

“Running is pretty fun. I give it a 7/10.”

“Today they’re selling food that raises money for graduation 2019, so I’m buying from there and I think it was smart of them to sell it at Sports Say.”

“I think it’s trash. My favourite part is that my mentor didn’t even show up. The organisation is terrible.”

“I feel like it’s cool to just spend time with your friends and have fun in a place far from school and be all together. The only problem I have with it is that it’s not well organised.”

“It’s good. It’s fun and competitive.”

“I think it’s really good but people should be more into it and it should be better organised.”

“Running is unnecessary.”

When it comes to change at Ecolint, the students either react badly or willingly invite it. We asked a few people about their thoughts on the new addition of “Dodgeball” to the activities. Here’s the feedback we got:

“Dodgeball is fun because it’s different and unique.”

“I think it’s interesting since it’s something new and it’s something that hasn’t been done before.”

“Well personally, I’m not a great fan of dodgeball because I don’t think it’s right to be hitting people with balls.”

“I think it promotes aggressivity, like most contact and collision sports. I wouldn’t want to sign up for those types of sports in general so I don’t see why we should have them during Sports Day.”

Finally, we asked students what their favourite activity was, the answer usually being the sprint. However, some students said otherwise:

“Volleyball, because I think that it focuses on teamspirit.”

“Long distance, it’s competitive and organised.”

“Sprint, it’s fun to find out how fast you are. It also helps you better enjoy the moment with your friends”


“The sprints, the long jump and the cross country for sure. They are all well organised and are always fun”

All in all, sports day is generally seen as a fun change from the regular school days. There’s time to be competitive, hang out with friends, and it promotes healthy activity. The only thing that the students believe needs to be worked on by the school when it comes to Sports Day, is organisation.


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