LGB Talent Show: The Scoop & Students Vote for Fourth Place!

Eleanor Braddock, Year 12

With last minute line up changes, cancellations, microphone issues and rehearsal no shows there was a point when it seemed as though the talent show might not come together, but it did relatively seamlessly. The Talent Show promised to be one of the highlights on the LGB social calendar, and although it lacked in perhaps a bit of drama onstage, the talent show delivered in all remaining aspects.

For those who missed out the line up was as follows: Augustin & Matthieu, Amira, Camila & Caterina, Isabel, Fotis & Margaux, Zohar Elina & Francesco, Sofia, Elisabeth, Marie, Harriet and ABSC. These candidates were to be judged by the thrilling team of staff: Conan De Wilde, brought on for his kindness (although such a scheme may not have transpired), Ms. Kretzmeier, also renowned for her generosity and high standards, Carole, known for her fun spirit and potential to be harsh when needs must and Mr Seck who could use his artistic eye to critique.

The talent show kicked off with a wildly dynamic duo: Augustin on guitar and vocals and Matthieu playing the Cajon box drum. Both were obviously talented and there was a definite chemistry between them. The pair’s act comprised of a mash up featuring songs from Justin Bieber, Kings of Leon, and Foster The People etc. I don’t know whether it was down to their song choices, originality or boyish charm but there was something extremely sweet and likeable about their performance. The bar was set high from the get go.

The next performer was Amira singing Beyoncé’s Halo. Was singing Halo a little presumptuous? Maybe. But did she deliver? I think yes, I don’t think she had much on the original but she sang it very well, with extreme grace and serenity. She definitely did herself justice if not the song, and came away with a performance to be proud of.

The following act managed to snag themselves a title. Third place was taken by Camila and Caterina who did a beautiful rendition of Emile Sande’s Read All About it. Although they were nervous the two sang really well, both as individuals and together. What was so impressive however was not their harmonies, and range but rather their age, they are only in year nine after all, and to be able to come on stage with such confidence and deliver a very good performance only added to their third place victory.

Isabel was the only performer to present an original song, and original it was! There was something extraordinarily unique about her song: Elevator Escalator Travelator Blues. Her personality really shone through, it was a comedy infused performance with a subtle sweetness in the sentiment. Her introduction to the song and the projection behind her really furthered the quality and sentiment of the performance. Isabel and her song received 24% of the votes for forth place, so I guess that gives her a well-deserved fifth place?

Although Fotis didn’t exactly equal Margaux in terms of his attire (which did not escape the judges scrutiny), he did when it came to their song. Fotis and Margaux’s cover of Sam Smith’s hit Writings on the Wall was good although the onstage chemistry between the two might of been lacking. Both sang extremely well individually.

You wouldn’t of thought it was a school talent show, Zohar, Elina and Francesco’s band are just so cool and as Mr De Wilde said “no goose bumps but lots of groove” pretty much sums them up. The trio brought so much personality to the show, they knew exactly who they were and how they were going to perform. The music they produced really stood on its own and spoke for itself. You could imagine them in a bigger setting, with a future as something.

Sofia performed a show stopping cover of Alicia Keys If I ain’t got you. She is an extremely talented singer and seriously brought something to the song. So it was no surprise when she was voted the talent shows 4th place by the student body gaining 31% of the votes.

Elizabeth’s dance solo was a true refreshment from the singing that was going on. She was entertaining and clearly talented. It was even more impressive when we learned that she was improvising! To see LGB branching out into different art forms especially dance, which unfortunately tends not to be promoted by the school, is always a triumph. So to bring something new to the table and to bring it so well was a true accomplishment.

Marie brought so much charisma and sass to the night; she set a new tune to the show. She was obviously having fun with performing her soulful Adele song with attitude and such energy that defines her as a person. It was a veritable performance. 18% of the votes went to Marie’s Rumour Has It rendition winning 4th place. Although I suspect she could take a title another time as she certainly had the audience on her side.

Harriet’s performance was probably one of my favourites she was nervous but once she got into it she delivered the song beautifully. There was a certain naturalness that came to her performance; she managed to make Lana Del Rey’s iconic Born To Die her own. Her acoustic version generated much positive attention from the crowd.

Firstly, can we all sign a petition for a rendition of their performance on the Acapella app? Please? I think what set these four apart from the rest, was not that we’ve heard them sing a thousand times before but rather their stage presence. Even if you haven’t been to a single: school musical or assembly or even walked passed them in the hallway before, you could tell that they were accomplished musical theatre actors. They really sold their performance, you end up buying into their act, they are having so much fun, and they think they are so talented that you think they are wildly fun and talented. And to be honest they are. Their passion was so contagious that you wanted to be part of whatever they are part of because it seems great. They managed to share and truly communicate with the audience, and this is ultimately what crowned them the biggest talent LGB had to offer.

As hard as I tried to go through a few hundred words on the talent show without giving a extremely special mention to Vaibhav who’s charisma and feeble jokes defined the evening in more ways than one, I found myself unable, and I could write a whole entire article just about him and probably will maybe in a few months time I’ll do a little throwback to the night six highly intelligent teens (@prime) gave Vaibhav a microphone and an audience for three hours, so watch this space. But I think there’s only one thing to say about him … Vaibhav you are beautiful and wonderful too, thank you to playing to the audience’s egos all night long. And I think that I can safely say that it is the first time people have come to a talent show to see a host.

Congratulations to all that performed, judged, organised and helped back stage, it was a tremendous success.

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