LGB Interviews: Mr. Sherman

Dong-Young Kim, Year 12

‘A naïve teacher‘, ‘a funny teacher’, ‘a teacher who is very organized’,and ‘a teacher who always thinks ahead yet gives too much work in class than necessary’ are some descriptions by LGB students in Year 10 and 11 about Mr. Sherman, who is currently in his twelfth year of teaching English at LGB.

My first impression of Mr. Sherman when I first met him two years ago was, “A gentle man with a very heavy British accent and a very red face.” However, nowadays, I consider him as one of my favorite teachers. So, when I had a chance to write an article for the LGB Express, I chose Mr. Sherman as my first interviewee without hesitation.

I asked him a lot of questions I always wanted to know the answers to. Here is the interview that kept me on the edge of my seat:


Above: Mr. Sherman (Shermanator) in LGB

Q 1: How long have you been working in this school? Where have you been working before coming to LGB?

A: I started working for this school since September, 2003. Come to think about it, it has been more than 12 years since I began teaching in this school! Before I came to Geneva, I also served as a teacher in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Brunei.

Q 2: What motivated you to become an English teacher? And why at this school?

A: I became an English teacher because of my love of literature. The reason I chose Geneva as a workplace is because it is close to my home, which is in the UK.

Q 3: When do you feel most satisfied as a teacher? And which students do you remember the most?

A: I felt the most satisfied when students hand in impressive homework and follow my instructions in class. I also remember the students who give me trouble but for some reason they usually have fond memories of their time in my class. I won’t reveal the names of the students in this interview but they were very noisy in class

Q 4: What’s your hobby? And do you support any sport teams?

A; I collect coins, collect books and read novels. I also support Liverpool, an English football team. It is very strange that I have an affection for the team. In Liverpool, I like Lallana and Sturridge but Sturridge gets injured too much.

Q 5: What do you consider the most valuable thing in your life? And in what perspective is English important?

A; I think knowledge and experiences are the most important things in my life. I think English is important because people can improve their perspective of looking at things. For instance, if one knows more about literature and is more conscious of the languages used by politicians, then one can become a more critical reader and speaker.

Q 6: Which type of students would you like to have in your class?

A: I prefer students who are attentive and join in class discussion but are quiet at appropriate times. Moreover, students should be able to hand in their homework up to date.

Q 7: What should someone do if they want to be a “good” English teacher?

A: For students who want to become an English teacher, I would advise them to learn how to command language and literature. Basic grammars are another important components for students who strive to become English teachers.

Q 8: What do you think of ISAMS, the new grading program?

A: I was impressed with the whole system. I think it is better than the previous system where I had to put in comments and give effort grades. It is more efficient to work with.

Q 9: Did you know about the LGB Express before the interview?

A: Yes, I had a look in it one or two times. I also heard my colleague, Ms. Kretzmeier, talking about the LGB Express.

Q 10: Finally, what would you like to say to your readers?

A: Oh, well, I want to tell the students to keep on reading. Also, spend your time wisely and thoughtfully!

Overall, from this interview, I got to know more about Mr. Sherman and his past. I also got to know what he expects from his students during English class. In the occasion of this interview, I felt Mr. Sherman’s passion for English literature and saw his love towards his students.

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