
By Quinn Farr and Lisa de Bruyn, Year 11

Science is all around you. Science puts to words everything simultaneously surrounding us. Some may question the use of science, but we should all aim to explore current understandings, and then build upon our current version of truth. What would our lives look like without science? We’d be deficient of all the interdependent factors underpinning our lives. Medicine, the internet, telephones, are only a hand full of what would be lost without science; all of which we are incredibly dependent on. Science is not perfect, and probably will never be. Cutting edge discoveries have revealed new dimensions and opportunities. This section aims to reveal hidden mysteries and to highlight ground breaking research. Science is constantly evolving. What is true today may be false tomorrow. Science is the discovery which helps us make sense of our life here on Earth. Join us for fascinating articles and cool facts. We hope to captivate you with day to day relatable encounters with science.


To kick start this section, here’s our cool fact count #1: If you spin a ball and drop it, it will fly!


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