Tips for having a great Halloween night

Paula Bordas, Year 12

  1. Find something fun and spooky to do. Whether you decide to go to a house party, a bar/club, stay in and watch horror movie night with friends or simply trick-or-treating around your neighborhood, do not loose your Halloween spirit. Make sure whatever event you attend to is sinister and exciting. Bring your friends along! They tend to be more fun on a Halloween night than family is.
  2. Dress to impress. Try to spend some time on your creative costume without necessarily spending a lot of money. If you are not keen on spending money for a one-night outfit, you can slightly improvise your general costume and add a domestic touch to it; just search around your house or in your sibling’s closet and see what you can find.
  3. Make up your own character. If you’re up for improvising then just find some tights at home and an old shirt and rip them up, adding some ketchup or maybe actual fake blood paint onto them. You might just want to buy the accessories to give your costume a last Halloween touch such as a wig, creepy contact lenses, vampire teeth and face make up. Masks are for losers, the “Scream” one is just too “chliché”. How about making a homemade mask on your face? All you need is white, black and red face paint!
  4. Remember to be original. Try to avoid being a witch or a cat, find something more unusual to dress up as. My suggestions are: a creepy doll, black and white character, a zombie nurse, a zombie bride, the creepy character Saw (face make up is required for this one), a skeleton, a hippie, a police officer, a pirate, Miley Cyrus or just any movie character. If you’re just very lazy then just grab an old sheet and poke two holes on it. I’m sure you can still get candy even if you’re a boring ghost.
  5. Whether you’re hosting an event or attending one, don’t forget that the food should also be “Halloweenized”. Bring pumpkin-faced cupcakes to be polite or get some Halloween candy ready in case some trick-or-treaters knock on your door.  Also, baking finger-shaped or spider cookies and strawberry juice to drink wouldn’t be a bad idea to keep the spookiness up.  Making mandarins into pumpkins or half bananas into ghosts would not be a bad dessert. All you need is some frosting and sauce to draw around the served meals and make the food alive.
  6. If whatever you’re doing is going to have some music in the background, make sure it is the typical Halloween songs that everyone loves and can crazily dance to. This will keep the Halloween vibe going on. Do not forget the classics: “Thriller”, “Superstition”, ”Ghostbusters” and “Ghost town”.

Remember the main goal is to have fun. Last tip: Wherever you go, bring a baseball bat or some kind of weapon with you. Self-defense is crucial if a dead person pops out of their grave and attacks you. Happy Halloween!

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