Youth Underground

Relaunching the Humans of LGB page means meeting students who have a story to tell. In this case, it’s awareness to raise. Meet Kristy, a year 13 student, and what she does to support Youth Underground, an anti-human trafficking association.

LD: How did you come up with idea of raising money for human trafficking in first place ? 
KW: First of all, Mrs McKenzie once gave out information on human trafficking in class, and since I like looking back at the things we’ve studied, I decided to do some extra research. After I saw how horrible human trafficking was, I thought I’d share it with the rest of students who aren’t necessarily aware of what’s happening in other parts of the world, and then, after I convinced some friends to join me, we looked for some clubs we could join but since there were none, we created one.

LD: What activities do you organise to collect the money ? 
KW: All through the year, we sell chocolate bars and food in some classrooms, in order to keep students energised and focused, or organise bake sells in front of the Caf. All the money we collect goes to associations on the Sino-Vietnamese border which take care of children and victims of human trafficking.

LD: Do you have any new projects for this year ?
KW: Well, apart from the bake sales, we were thinking of re-doing something we organised last year called “Sponsored Silence”. The people who participated in the event were not allowed to speak for a whole day as a mark of respect to those whose voice is never heard. The activity was really successful so we thought we might host another “Sponsored Silence” competition.
We are also opened to new ideas, so if anyone comes up with an activity, we can plan accordingly and see how we can make it happen !

If you’re interested in joining the Youth Underground club, meetings are held every Tuesdays in CH12 (Mrs McKenzie’s classroom) during morning break. For more information on human trafficking (or if you want to donate), click here or here

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