First Glimpse of College Life

Polina Melnikhova, Year 12

Last Wednesday, students from different International Schools met at La Châtaigneraie to attend the CIS College Fair. For many, myself included, this was the first step in a long process of university applications.

Around 100 different universities attended the college fair, making it a great location to meet representatives, obtain information and further your knowledge of a certain course. Although it seems like a wonderful idea, the organization of the fair itself, was fairly flawed. The gym where the college fair was located was stuffy and over packed. It was difficult to talk to a specific representative or to locate the university you were looking for because of the large crowds of people. The cacophony in the room did not facilitate the situation either.

Despite the negative impression that the organization of the fair provided, it was in itself an excellent idea. Students had the opportunity to find out more about the college they were considering applying to or, for those who have no idea what they want to do, it was a fantastic chance to browse the different courses available and narrow down their options. All the universities arrived prepared, handing out brochures, business cards and student catalogues. These will prove extremely useful when you begin your application process as you’ll have a direct link with someone in the admissions office. Despite the noise, it was possible to have a more or less proper conversation with a university representative making it simple to double check entry requirements or annual fees.

For many the CIS College Fair was a stressful event because, it makes students realize that university application deadlines are coming up and you should know what it is you want to study by now. Although this is true, there is no need to rush; Y9, Y10, Y11 – you have more than enough time to decide your future, Y12 students – we still have a year and half to decide and Y13s – I wish you the best of luck!

For those would couldn’t attend the college fair, I recommend you to go next year because it is a great source of information and it’ll help to get your life on track. Furthermore, I suggest that you follow up on future university visits either by contacting the school guidance or by checking the Ecolint website.

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