New Music Monday: The Dandy Warhols

By Anna-Sofia Takala, Year 11 This edition is about the band The Dandy Warhols, and their album Best of the Capitol Years 1995-2007, 2010.

The Dandy Warhols are an alternative rock band from Portland Oregon, who came together in 1994. The band has four members but gives the impression in certain songs that there could be a dozen musicians playing together. They use guitars, bass, keyboard and drums, and the lead singer Courtney Taylor-Taylor has an incredible vocal range that can make him at times sound like different people. The band joined originally for the purpose to create “music to drink to”, as they said. They started with gigs in bars before finally joining a record label in 1996.

The Capitol Years is a compilation album from the band’s time with the record label “Capitol”. It’s clear to be a compilation considering the wide variety from song to song; the music ranges from cabaret style songs to pure 90’s grunge style. It allows for a constant interest in the music without ever allowing you to get bored, yet it doesn’t come as too shocking when the styles abruptly change.

The most popular of their songs is “Bohemian Like You” which is upbeat and fun, with tons of energy. Almost the entire album shares this same atmosphere, which makes it great; but with the few exceptions of calmer songs like “Good Morning” and “Last High”, the album is manageable and bearable to listen to in one go, not overloading you with sensory stimuli. The album is pleasantly colorful in the sense that every song has its own shade, and it keeps things interesting.

The Dandy Warhols may not be so popular due to their music style which is far different from the mainstream appreciation, but they have some true gems which I believe could appeal to a larger audience, especially “Bohemian Like You” (which we are actually playing with the school band), but it’s definitely worth listening to. You never know, maybe it will become one of your favourites too.

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