What’s the hype behind Black Tap


This past week, you’ve surely heard people eagerly talking about the new restaurant that just opened in “Cours de Rive”. But what exactly is Black Tap and why is everyone talking about it?

Well my friends, Black Tap is an award winning New York restaurant chain that serves mainly burgers and shakes. They have a few locations in New York and one restaurant in Dubai. Geneva is the first European location of the chain. However, they are looking to expand in Lausanne, Zurich and Singapore.

It is the brain child of Michelin star awarded chef Joe Isidori. Before starting Black Tap, Joe Isidori worked for the current president of the United States, Donald Trump. Joe Isidori was the manager of the kitchens of some of Donald’s hotels and golf clubs. After working there for a few years and earning a Michelin star, the chef decided to open his own restaurant and hasn’t been in contact with the family since.

In New York, Black Tap is a huge success. People queue for hours to taste the amazing looking burgers and milkshakes. Since its opening, pictures of the food has been all over our social media feeds.

I was truly intrigued as to see if the 2015 and 2016 winners of the best burger of New York was really that good. I set off, hoping for the best. I have to say, I was pretty disappointed. Sure the venue is nice, there are plenty of cool graffiti’s inside, 90’s hip hop playing in the background and friendly staff. The service wasn’t perfect but honestly it’s the restaurant’s first week so it’s normal that everything is a bit hectic. When the food came, it was absolutely beautiful. One of the things that Black Tap prides itself in is it’s manicured, aesthetically “instagrammable” food.

The Verdict

The burger wasn’t great. I went there expecting the best burger of New York. I went there with very high expectations. I took a bite of the huge (!!!) burger. The cheese wasn’t great, the patty was enormous and the ratio of bread to meat just wasn’t right. I ordered truffle oil fries but all I got was heavy, not crunchy, french fries that smelt like truffle, sprinkled with parmesan. Very disappointing indeed. The milkshakes are also “American sized” and after a while, the taste becomes nauseating. It’s also a meal in itself considering the size and volume of the thing. However, I must say they are very cool looking but maybe not worth 19CHFs… I just think the restaurant is overrated and that rather than waiting an hour in line and paying 45CHFs for a burger and a milkshake, I’ll just eat at the Hamburger Foundation next time.

What did you think ?



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