
By Claudio Cavalieri, Year 13

The beauty of the nocturnal skies is indescribable. In the dark of the celestial blankets an infinite number of white dots would shine like the most precious diamonds from the deepest coal mines. These lights were arranged by the gods to represent wonder and harmony in elaborate yet simple constellations that gave a definition to the universe. All the stars left a space for the brightest moon ever seen, precious like the most magnificent pearl in the deepest of the warm seas. The moonlight drew all over the vast grasslands, attributing to every small leaf of grass a
brighter shade of light blue and white. Truly gorgeous was the setting where my princess and I were. We were resting down under a colossal oak, covered in flaming orange leaves that marked the season superbly and highlighted itself as the barrier between the land and the cosmos. It was midnight, perhaps past that; it did not matter.  Every time she was close to me time was infinite, like the beauty in her eyes. The powerful silence of the wild embraced our souls; for hours no word of ours lacerated the delicate balance between the physical and the spiritual. The air was cold, but having her heart next to mine made the winter dissipate and for that night
it felt like spring once more. There was no beginning, no end. Only us. There are no words to describe the moment but magical. I looked at her one last time, caressing her soft hair that shared the colours of the oak leaves above and whispered, “I will always be with you” before falling asleep in her arms. There was no need to explore a dream and leave the terrestrial world; heaven was already next to me.

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