Vietnam Trip 2016

Manuela Griffin, Year 12

What was your favorite moment in Vietnam?

To be honest, I can’t tell you one specific moment. Of course, we had our ups and downs during the trip and a few misunderstanding but the trip as a whole was amazing and I loved getting to know the different culture in Vietnam.

If I had to tell you two moments that really stuck with me after the trip are firstly, how close the whole group got. Many members of the group were people I had never talked to because I had no classes with them. I have to say I was scared the group would be very divided but I was completely wrong. We got so close and shared amazing times!

The second experience that really stuck with me was the work experience. Our job was to shovel mud into the hole to cover the biogas. On the last day, we worked together (the whole group). This time, the hole was huge and the ground was really wet. The people told my friend and I to go wait on the other side of the hole and they would pass the mud to us. The journey around the hole was an adventure in itself. I stepped in a puddle, thinking it was solid, turns out, it wasn’t. I almost lost my shoe in the process, so that was a good start. When we started throwing the mud into the hole my friend and I were in such a position that the water kept on splashing on to us. By the time we had finished the work, my friend and I were covered in mud from head to toe.

Overall, it was a great experience and I highly advise it to anyone who is interested in joining.

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