LGB_Undercover: Reputation

Dear LGB,

For my third investigative piece, I outsourced to the other private schools for information on LGB’s extra-scholar reputation. In order to correctly judge our reputation, I put LGB up against the other private schools in Geneva (Florimont, Moser, CDL, etc). Key results could be drawn from the questionnaire.

Firstly, LGB has no discipline whatsoever. However, this result comes as no surprise. This time, instead of an LGB student telling you, the whole of Geneva is saying it. This was concluded because over various questions indirectly linked to discipline, Ecolint always won. For example, in a question asking in which school is it impossible to be held back in, over 80% responded with Ecolint. In addition, to the question ‘Which school is the strictest’ nobody chose Ecolint.

Secondly, Ecolint is a school filled with rich, spoiled, “fils-à-papa” brats. When people could answer freely about LGB’s reputation, the majority wrote things such as: “Bunch of spoiled brats” or “Rich kids, ‘Dad I wanted the new pair of YEEZY boots not Valentinos!’ type”. Furthermore, over half of the respondents answered plainly that Ecolint is for “coincé du cul” snobs and that because of that, three-fourths of all the teen drama in Geneva is spread from Ecolint.

Although it is true that Ecolint is filled with students that spend like they won a lottery and staff that don’t see further than their noses when regarding discipline, I would not be a fair interviewer if I did not share the full results. Even though LGB has a formidably bad-reputation, there is one positive thing about it: based on the interview LGB is the most memorable. Of all the schools, Ecolint is the school that the interviewees have the most friends (aside their own) and it is the school that most people wished that they were going to (+50%). In addition, while multiple schools have IB programs, people answered that Ecolint “has teachers that seem to know what they are doing best when it comes to IB.”

To conclude, LGB’s reputation is still terrible. Despite people thinking it teaches the top IB program, what is the point of that? It has been proven scientifically that spoiled-brats have no incentives to work, so preparing them for the IB is as useful as making a teapot out of chocolate –lots of time and patience for nothing. In addition, what’s the point of having the most friends from LGB if LGB is the seed of drama?

With kind dis-regards,

John Doe

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