LGB Interviews: the Secret Life of Judith

By Lily Radwan, Year 12

In the past LGB Express interviews, we have interviewed the surface of the system, but what do the lesser-known heroes have to say ? In this week’s interview, I set off to interview the one and only Judith. Judith is a remarkable woman who works everyday at the school cafeteria, fulfilling the demands of a myriad hungry children. However, she found some time to answer my questions, in spite of the hectic scene.

Introductory words from the interviewee:

I will tell you all the truth.

1)Is it hard to work in the cafeteria every day?

“No, because I love the contact with the kids, parents, teachers and with my colleagues here. “

2) In that case, would you ever consider being a primary school teacher?

“Not really because it’s so different. The children mostly play and it’s not serious enough.”

3) Who are you top 5 favorite students

“Ohhhh I have to select now!?”

Disclaimer: Judith answered the question but I cannot disclose this information.

4) Can you tell us any secrets of the kitchen ?

“Woah I don’t have any secrets… let me see… Well kids often tell me, ‘don’t tell my mommy what I ate!’ so I don’t.”

5) Do you ever eat the food in the caf?

“Yes, I eat lunch here at midday. Today I ate chicken. Nooo, I ate beef actually!”

6) Have you worked in any other cafeteria?

“Yes, in the 5 star Mandarin hotel.”

7) Do you prefer the food at that hotel or here?

“I think here, because I know directly who cooks the food here. In the hotel you cannot see who is doing the cooking. I only served the meals.”

8) Are you friends with the other cafeteria workers?

“We’re not that close since we don’t directly work together, but when we have parties or birthdays, we invite each other.”

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