School Musical: Time Warp !

By Anya Markovitz, Year 9

On Friday December 8th and Saturday December 9th, the school musical Time Warp will take place in the auditorium at the Centre des Arts. The show, produced by Ms. Linden and Mr. Davies of the Drama department, incorporates different musical numbers throughout history all packed into one thrilling, high energy, invigorating show.

Time Warp will take you through many timeless musical favourites, including multicultural aspects of theatre. Students from years 9 to 13 will be performing in the show. Tickets can be found online at the Ecolint Arts website or can be bought on the night of the show at the Centre des Arts. Below is an interview with Ms. Linden as well as some quotes from students participating in the musical!

Why should we come see the musical?

“It’s always nice to experience live theatre, and it makes it even more special when your peers are involved. This is a particularly interesting show because we’re taking musical numbers from shows throughout history. You’ll see numbers from shows from the late 1800s until today.”

What has been the biggest challenge so far?

“Probably the biggest challenge is when you do a normal show, you have a set amount of characters to cast, and costume, and stage, but in this show there are well over 70-75 characters that need to be cast, costumed and staged.”

What is the musical about?

“The concept is that we are taking the audience through a ‘Time Warp’. Each number is from a different time in musical theatre history. I’ve tried to give a little bit of a nod to the originals with an LGB twist.”

How has it been working with the students?

“It’s been good. It’s a good group, they’re very keen and excited about the show and they’ve put a lot of trust in Mr. Davies and I. They haven’t had a lot of information about costumes and stuff like that. We’re excited, we think it’s gonna be a good show.”

What are some songs that will be featured in the musical?

“There are numbers from Les Misérables, Hamilton, You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown, Matilda, and there is also a number from Chicago.

Chloe Sautereau, Year 12  – “I think it’s a really interesting mix of different numbers from musicals for people to see. There is a lot of diversity in the style of musical songs and since they’re from different time periods, you can see how songs have evolved.”

Margaux Francioli, Year 9 – “I think the show will turn out amazingly, we’ve put a lot of time and effort into it and we have a great director and cast. We’re all really excited and hope a lot of people come to watch it.”

Annabelle Veith, Year 11 – “I think rehearsals are great because all 5 years of high school get to integrate and you meet people you wouldn’t have met otherwise.”

December 8th at 19:00 and Saturday December 9th at 14:00 and 19:00 at the Centre des Arts. Be there !

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