Underrated Books

By Deniz , Year 13

Unfortunately, many amazing books do not get the recognition they deserve. Here is a list of some of my favorite underrated books that I SERIOUSLY recommend:

  1. More Than This by Patrick Ness:

A boy drowns and dies, but he wakes up in a peculiar, deserted area. He sets off on a journey to figure out where he is, how this is possible, and what he is experiencing. Is there such a thing as an afterlife?

This book is SO breathtaking, mysterious, and enthralling.






  1. The Strange and Beautiful Sorrow of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton:

The Roux family has a very strange past. The most recent family member, Ava, is born with wings. On a mission to find answers, and constantly craving to fit in with her fellow peers, Ava ventures into the wider world, unprepared for what is to come.

This book is so unique and hauntingly beautiful.





3. Midwinterblood by Marcus Sedgwick:

Seven stories of passionate love from different centuries are mysteriously intertwined, revealing a tale of horror, beauty, and sacrifice.

This book is so bizarre, haunting and remarkable. Just – WOW.









4. The Penryn and the End of Days trilogy by Susan Ee:

Angels of the apocalypse have descended to destory the world. Penryn sets off on a quest to retrieve her handicapped little sister who was kidnapped by warrior angels. She saves Raffe, a fallen, wingless angel, and together, they travel to the angels’ stronghold in San Francisco where she seeks her sister.

This series is such a stressful, yet breathtaking ride.



  1. Unregistered by Nellie K.:

I’ve posted a review on this book and I must say, it shocks me how few people are aware of this book that deals with such an important, yet neglected subject.







Make sure to check out Deniz’s blog: http://lgblibraryblog.wixsite.com/blog/single-post/2017/08/05/Underrated-Books

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