LGB_Undercover: Pilot

Dear LGB,

Today marks our school’s judgement day. No longer will the school’s community be held unaccountable for their actions. I will act as your veracious messiah –speaking up against all of the injustice at our school. But don’t worry fellow students, for you are not the only ones targeted. In my opinion teachers and administration are all fair game and no stone will be left unturned. I know about the ones who cut class, I know about the drinking and I know about the smoking. I also know about the admin, wetting their beds if ever they need to do discipline when parents are involved. However, let me make it clear that I have no intention of naming-names nor ‘taddletale-ing’ because my name would come up as often as the rest. I am just the eye-opener.


You don’t know who I am but I know who you are. No one is safe anymore, I’m coming for you

With kind dis-regards,

John Doe

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