The Catalan Crisis

By Sera Gurzumar, Year 11

Everything currently on the news is referenced to the Catalan crisis, but what exactly is it?

On October 1st, the Catalan government held a referendum asking Catalans if they wanted the Catalan region to become independent from Spain. Despite the fact that the referendum was ruled as illegal by Spain’s constitutional court, it still took place. Many people didn’t vote due to its illegitimacy, although 90% of the people who did vote, voted for independence. How Spain categorized the vote angered many Catalans. I asked Mrs.Claveria what she thought.  “They should let us vote legally. The conditions of the vote were not normal, so many people didn’t vote. It was not representative.” She said. There was a total of 893 injuries due to the clashes with the police.

Why do they desire independence? Well, Catalans believe that Catalonia has a moral, cultural, economic and political right to self determination. They believe that they have given Spain more than they have received.

Whether Catalonia will become independent or not is still not known to this day.

“There should be a dialogue between the two governments, on the referendum. If there is no independence, the two governments should find a common understanding and give us more economic advantages.”

If the independence does happen, many companies have announced that their head offices will leave the province.  

What do you think? Are you for or against the independence? Comment down below. 


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