
By Alia Hirji, Year 11

When I was younger I was wired to have to work more,

To be sporty so guys find me attractive,

Not too much though or suddenly I’m a whore.

To have no opinions and agree with a nod,

Or else I’m bossy, rude and flawed,

When I was younger I was wired to future motherhood,

“Dad, can we get McDonald’s for dinner?” 

He’s viewed as fun and lively, as he should. 

“Mom, can we get McDonald’s after this?” 

“Yes” she replies, what a lazy miss.

When I was younger I was wired to always look like a minor,

Clean shaven everywhere, to be short and cute,

To be so dumb, impossible to see in a business suit,

I’m older now and I don’t follow that way,

But if I speak my mind I’m rude and bossy,

If a man does the same, he’s boss by midday.

All they notice is what I’m wearing,

Yet they will always deny their eyes staring,

When I was younger I was wired to be perfect,

Society told me that was the way to be correct,

“It’s not a problem anymore, that was ages ago” they say

Men keep the porn industry alive. Just so you know.