Interview with Vasileos Orfanos: Carouge Water Polo player

By Petros Lopez, Year 12

I am here today with Carouge Water Polo player Vasileos Orfanos. Vasileos is in Year 12 and has just moved here from Greece. In this interview we will be discussing his move from Greece, how he started playing water polo and much more. Thank you for giving us your time.

How did your passion for water polo start? 

First of all, I started swimming from a young age, but I got quite bored so I started exploring other options that had to do with water sports. So I started water polo, which is quite common in Greece, and ever since then I have loved it. Also, it has unlocked other valuable skills such as leadership and teamwork, as everyone must take part and work together in order to win.

Were there any special people that motivated you to keep reaching new heights and to keep improving?

My biggest motivation and inspiration was my father. As a kid I did not know how to enjoy sports. For example, I preferred to spend my weekends playing video games, instead of doing sports. However, my father was the only person who inspired me to take this better path.

Were there any rough times in your career when you felt like quitting? If so, what kept you motivated to continue?

My biggest moment when I thought of quitting is actually right now. School work is very demanding and I have many academic deadlines to meet. My motivation is that I have come this far, and I know that the experience will be rewarding in the end. For example, there might be some opportunities to play awaiting at university.

Obviously you have just moved from Greece. How has the move been so far?

I have definitely had difficulties in team communication. I was definitely closer with my previous team as we knew each other better. But I am slowly getting more used to my team. They are stronger and more experienced. Also, I am enjoying getting to know my new teammates. I really enjoy the peace and quiet in Geneva, which helps me concentrate more on the tasks I have to do.

You mentioned struggling to balance schoolwork with water polo. How do you think that you could improve this issue?

I think one of the main points is being more efficient in doing my schoolwork and managing free time. Also, I believe that I will gain more motivation when tournaments start, so hopefully by then I will have balanced out my schoolwork with water polo.

As an athlete what would you say to younger athletes that are struggling to continue their sport right now?

 That’s a really good question that I was actually thinking about. To younger athletes, I would definitely put emphasis on how sports can unlock doors in the future, and starting at a young age puts you at an advantage. Quitting is the worst thing you can do, because as a younger individual you have more time to do sports and therefore to get ahead of the rest.

Thank you for your time and I wish you all the best.

Thank you!