Mary Poppins, We Miss You Already!

By Maude Thorens, Year 12

Just before our well deserved winter break, the school put on their yearly musical production which this year was none other than Mary Poppins! The performance was a huge success with the three public performances being completely sold out, a first at LGB and its musical history. 

To better understand wether it was simply great marketing or a little bit of magic from Mary Poppins herself which allowed the show to thrive as it did, we are here today to interview Eunice Lynch who played a tight-knit role in the production of the show. Not only did she help with the making of props and accessories on stage but above all, she helped especially in the motivating and mentoring of the cast and the many hardworking actors.

This interview will focus on her feelings now the show is over, and her sentiments regarding the many students she helped to motivate.

Now without further ado, let’s begin!

Hello Ms. Lynch! Thank you so much for agreeing to this and talking about your feelings regarding Mary Poppins. 

Hello! Of course it’s a pleasure to talk about it.

What were your first impressions and thoughts when you found out the musical would be Mary Poppins? Did you play a part in choosing the musical?

To be honest, initially I was quite apprehensive of the choice, as growing up Mary Poppins was never a show or film I particularly enjoyed. However, my opinions on the musical slowly began to change as we worked together on it. I remember making the props and watching all of you actors learning the dances and the songs and suddenly, I saw the show coming to life. The doubts I had initially began to fade as I think so did the casts as everyone got more confident in their parts.

Oh wow! Interesting that you were not fully on board at first. Concerning the cast you keep speaking of, what do you think was the most challenging part of preparing for the show?

I think memorizing for most of you was a real challenge, especially considering the show had to come together in only three months! There were also moments we changed and did not like as much which always happens when putting on a show. However, watching all of you work together, the older cast members who had more of an idea of what they were doing guiding and helping the Year 9s for example who were more afraid was really heartwarming. I think it was this perseverance and tight knit group created which helped transform a school show into a broadway performance! 

Thank you, you definitely have a point. It was very emotional getting to know everyone. What was your proudest moment now the show is over? Do you miss it?

Watching the show was by far the moment I felt the proudest. I was able to see the entirety of all the work put in by everyone come together. I’m not usually someone who gets emotional but I nearly cried, I mean I had tears in my eyes when you and Tamara flew in as Mary Poppins it was truly magical. Not only that, but Diego did an excellent job as the chimney sweep I mean better than anything we could have hoped or imagined. Agathe was fantastic and sung beautifully. Mae and Safa, considering their age and hiccups along the way, evolved so much and played a very convincing Jane and Michael. Diya was brilliant, and I mean It’s impossible to name everyone and honestly every single member of the cast worked so hard and made me as emotional as I was. That’s definitely when I felt most proud watching all we accomplished.

So many actors grew so much and evolved over the three months. It’s so touching to hear you get emotional especially when I think so many of the cast members can agree. Is there anything else you would like to add or anyone else you think deserves recognition? 

Well Mr. White, Mr Davies and Tatiana of course. I think they deserve so much thanks. They brought this opportunity to all of you and it’s now an amazing moment which you can treasure and remember. 

I’m very proud of all of you. It was genuinely an incredible experience. Well done again!

Thank you so much Ms. Lynch!

That concludes our Interview! We hope you found Ms. Lynch’s insights and thoughts on the musical as interesting as we did. 

I think it’s safe to say Mary Poppins was a striking and memorable show – both for those who worked on creating it, and for the supportive audience who watched it come to life.