Part 2: Interview with Dr. Hughes on Sustainability at Ecolint

By Michael Botti, Year 12

My next interview is with Dr. Conrad Hughes, Director General of Ecolint. One of Dr. Hughes’ sustainability initiatives is the Global Citizenship Education Design Team, where I am serving as a student representative designing a course in partnership with UNESCO-IBE and UNOHR.

Dr. Hughes, how would you define sustainability and its importance at Ecolint? 
Planetary renewal is the number one challenge facing humanity. This is why it is one of our central curriculum imperatives.

How should Ecolint measure success for sustainability?

Each person committing to a sustainable habit, something we asked every student, parent and staff member to do at the beginning of the year. I’m more keen on each of us taking action than telling others to take action!

Which thought leader, organization, book or film has most impacted your thinking on sustainability and why?
UNESCO, because they constantly situate curriculum reform at the highest level of global goals, allowing us to see the interconnectedness of educational and social challenges.

Which sustainability concept or program are you most impressed with and where did you
first experience it?

I grew up in Africa, and when you are in contact with unspoiled nature, you fall in love with it, and something inside you does not want to hurt the ecosystem. So, it would be experiential learning.

What advice would you offer to students who feel climate anxiety or SDG fatigue?
Overcoming fear takes practice and is not easy, but it is essential to release your true creative potential. Walk tall and look for opportunities, do not let fear overcome you.

If you had a magical sustainability wand that would make anything possible, what would you wish for at Ecolint?
No rubbish on the ground. It’s symbolic, because it means that no one is expecting someone to clean up after them and is an agent of their own planetary custodianship.

Thank you for sharing your perspective, Dr. Hughes. Any final thoughts you would like to share?
I’d like to congratulate our students for their engagement in sustainable development. Next year, as part of our centenary, we will be holding a high level conference on sustainability and I very much look forward to seeing as many interested Ecolintians there as possible. It is also important to note that every member of staff will be going through training in sustainability next year.