Looking for a club to join? Try Interact!

By Dariga Atayeva, Year 12

Made up of a group of committed Year 11 and Year 12 students, the Interact Club is a great opportunity for students interested in volunteering for good causes. It is sponsored by the International Rotary Club, a community-based organisation considered one of the largest service organisations in the world. Interact’s mission, as well as the Rotary Club’s, is “to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders”. 

In short, the goal of the Interact Club is to take action, build international understanding and develop cultural awareness through working with organisations based in local and international communities. This year, Interact Club has chosen to work with the Hand in Hand organisation (international) and is yet to decide on its local charity. By doing so, the members of Interact host several events throughout the year to fundraise money for these charities. This year, they have already organised a stand for food collection to fight food insecurity in collaboration with Partage, a local Genevois organisation. They were also present at the winter market, selling lovely baskets filled with winter decorations, sweets, homemade cookies and mugs. 

An incredible opportunity that the Interact Club gets is visiting the Intercontinental every year to present their projects to the Geneva International Rotary Club. This meeting also provides them with a great network of connections. Amongst these like-minded people, LGB students can also find a mentor to help them with any questions they might have and to ask for advice. 

The Interact Club’s meetings take place every week on Thursdays at 12:40 in GB302, supervised by Mrs. Oberai. 

So, if you want to make a positive impact and connect with great people, join Interact Club!