The Celebration of Diwali: A Festival of Lights and Unity

By Reia Morjaria, Year 12

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is a celebration that transcends borders, cultures, and religions, spreading joy and illuminating the world with its vibrant festivities. Rooted in Hindu traditions, this festival holds significance for millions around the globe, fostering a sense of unity and shared humanity. As we delve into the history, understand the contemporary context, and explore the reasons for sharing the Diwali spirit within our school community, we unveil the beauty of this festival that transcends religious boundaries.

Rooted in the ancient tapestry of Indian history, Diwali symbolizes the enduring triumph of light over darkness. The historical significance of the festival is embedded in the joyous return of Lord Rama to the city of Ayodhya following his conquest over the formidable demon king, Ravana. This narrative, drawn from the Hindu scripture, the Ramayana, resonates across generations and serves as a symbolic representation of the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, and the ultimate victory of righteousness. As the story goes, Lord Rama was a revered prince who was exiled from his kingdom for fourteen years. During this period of exile, he faced numerous trials, ultimately ending in his battle against the ten-headed demon king, Ravana. In their final confrontation, Lord Rama vanquished the tyrant Ravana, symbolising the defeat of evil forces. Upon his victory, he began his return journey to Ayodhya. The people of Ayodhya, who had eagerly awaited the return of their prince, illuminated the entire city with lamps, or “diyas,” to celebrate his homecoming, and thus, the tradition of lighting lamps during Diwali was born. This gesture of illuminating the path symbolised not only the physical return of Lord Rama but also the triumph of truth and righteousness. The illumination of countless lamps, or diyas, during Diwali stands as a poignant ritual, symbolising beacons of hope. Moreover, the vibrant decorations adorning homes and public spaces echo the collective aspiration for positivity, which unites people in the spirit of hope and prosperity. Diwali showcases India’s rich cultural diversity while echoing the story of Lord Rama, making it a unifying festival. 

In the 21st century, Diwali has evolved into a global celebration, embraced by people from various backgrounds. Beyond its religious origins, Diwali has become a symbol of cultural diversity and inclusivity. In a world often divided by differences, the festival of lights serves as a reminder that the essence of humanity lies in our shared experiences and aspirations. Diwali encourages us to appreciate the light within ourselves and others, fostering understanding and respect among individuals of different faiths and backgrounds.

At LGB last week, there was an assembly held in the auditorium for all years about the relevance of Diwali and the celebrations practiced which included a dance and a musical performance. This was followed by festivities in the tent outside during break for the entire campus. There were multiple stalls which included henna, Indian literature, traditional food and much more. Celebrating Diwali in our school community holds profound relevance as it provides a unique opportunity to promote cultural awareness, allowing students to learn about and appreciate the traditions of their peers. By sharing our cultural festivities with one another, we create an environment where diversity is celebrated, fostering a sense of unity that extends beyond the classroom.

Moreover, Diwali teaches valuable lessons about the importance of compassion and empathy. The act of sharing sweets and gifts during Diwali symbolizes the spirit of giving and generosity. Encouraging students to engage in such acts of kindness promotes a culture of empathy, teaching them the significance of supporting one another and building a stronger community.

​​In conclusion, Diwali is not just a festival; but a celebration of light, hope, and unity. By sharing the joy of Diwali within our school community, we actively contribute to the importance of cultural understanding and mutual respect. Wishing each and every one of you a joyous Diwali celebration!